Set It Up (continued)
Share your CLEAR Spot
It’s easy to share your CLEAR Spot with up to five devices at the same time.
Give your colleagues and friends your CLEAR Spot network name and password.
Make sure the devices with which you desire to share are within range of your CLEAR Spot – usually
within 100 - 150 feet.
If you are sharing the CLEAR Spot wi-fi network with other devices and you turn off the CLEAR Spot,
the other devices won’t be able to access the internet using the CLEAR Spot wi-fi network.
If you changed the CLEAR Spot wi-fi network name and password, you easily can reset them.
Instructions are in the Quick Tips / Resetting your Administrator Password section of the CLEAR 4G+
Online User Guide. Click here to learn more.
You also can use the CLEAR Spot Home Page to change the wi-fi network name and password.
Click here to learn more.