CLEAR Modem – CLEAR Modem Firmware Instructions
Verify Software Version
1. Connect to Device Home Page by typing
into the web browser. The default
password is: CLEAR123
2. After logging on at the main page, the “Control Panel” screen will display Software information.
3. Record the software version
Updating Software Version
1. Go to http://www.clear.com/support/download
and navigate through list of products to select
the correct device. Verify if device has an recommended software installed. If a “Firmware
Update” link is not present under the Downloads, no software upgrade is required. If present
follow step 2.
2. Compare the software version on device and the clear web page, if different then download the
new software by selecting Firmware Update and store to a location on the computer.
3. Connect to Device Home Page by typing
into the web browser
4. Enter the default password “CLEAR123” to gain Administrative rights access
5. Access the software/firmware update screen by switching to Control Panel
6. Browse the path to the file where it is stored on the computer
7. Click Upgrade
8. Once upgrade is complete, the device will automatically reboot