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4MM (BANANA) PLUG 100085
This 4mm (banana) plug offers a Side Entry and a Rear Entry of the speaker wire. The Heavy-Duty 24k Gold
plating will resist corrosion and will provide the best possible connection.
Note: The side entry can accomodate up to a 10~18 a.w.g. wire (lower # means thicker wire)
1. Unscrew the rear bolt in the banana plug
2. Strip the speaker wire to the approximately 19mm (6/8in)
3. Twist the stripped part of the speaker wire a few times to keep all of the strands together and insert it into the
side of the plug.
4. Screw in the rear bolt into the banana plug.
5. The plug is ready to use.
1. 2. 3. 4.& 5.