Performance Parameters
BreezeCONFIG for BreezeACCESS VL and BreezeACCES 4900 User Manual
The Performance tab is comprised of the following components:
Minimum Contention Window: The initial value to be used by the
contention window calculation algorithm. The available values are 0, 7, 15,
31, 63, 127, 255, 511 and 1023. 0 disables the contention window back-off
algorithm and should be used only in point-to-point applications.
Maximum Contention Window: The maximum value to be used by the
contention window calculation algorithm. The available values are 7, 15, 31,
63, 127, 255, 511 and 1023.
RTS Threshold: The minimum frame size that requires an RTS/CTS (Request
To Send/Clear To Send) handshake. Frames smaller than the defined value
are transmitted directly to the wireless link without the preceding RTS frames.
The available values range from 20 to 4032 bytes. 4032 means that the
RTS/CTS mechanism is never used.
In units with HW revision B or lower running SW Version 3.0 and higher the range is 20 to 2200. In
units with HW revision C running SW Version 3.0 the range is 20 to 3400. In all units running SW
Version lower than 3.0 the range is 20 to 1600.
Number of Hardware Retries: The maximum number of trials to transmit an
unacknowledged frame in each Hardware Retrials phase. The available values
range from 1 to 14.
The Number of HW Retries parameter is not applicable when the Wireless Link Prioritization Option
is enabled.
Avg SNR Memory Factor: The SNR Memory Factor defines the weight of
history (value of last calculated average SNR) in the formula used for
calculating the current average SNR for received data frames. This average
SNR is used by the ATPC algorithm in the AU and is also included in the
Adaptive Modulation information messages transmitted by the AU and the SU.
The higher the value of this parameter, the higher is the weight of history in
the formula.
Available values: -1 to 32. -1 is for no weight for history, meaning that average
SNR equals the last measured SNR.
Maximum Modulation Level: If the Adaptive Modulation algorithm is
enabled, it sets the maximum modulation level that can be reached by the