Appendix A AT Commands
\K3 Sends a break to the remote modem immediately.
\K5 Sends a nondestructive, non expedited break to the remote
modem (default).
The second case occurs when the modem is in the on-line command state
(waiting for AT commands) during a data connection, and the \B<value>
command is received in order to send a break to the remote modem.
When Modem Is On-Line Command State During Data Connection:
\K0, \K1 Clears data buffers and sends a break to the remote modem.
\K2, \K3 Sends a break to the remote modem immediately.
\K4, \K5 Sends a break to the remote modem in sequence with data (default).
Finally, the third case occurs when a break is received from a remote modem
during a connection.
When Break Is Received During Connection:
\K0, \K1 Clears data buffers and sends a break to the DTE.
\K2, \K3 Sends a break to the DTE immediately.
\K4, \K5 Sends a break to the DTE in sequence with received data (default).
\N<error_control>—Select Error Control Mode
Use this command to select the type of error control used by the modem
when sending or receiving data.
\N0 Buffer mode. No error control (same as &Q6).
\N1 Direct mode.
\N2 MNP or disconnect mode. The modem attempts to connect
using MNP 2—4 error control procedures. If this fails, the
modem disconnects. This is also known as MNP reliable mode.
\N3 V.42, MNP, or buffered (default). The modem attempts to
connect in V.42 error control mode. If this fails, it will attempt
to connect in MNP mode. If this also fails, soft modem
connects in buffer mode and continues operation. This is also
known as V.42/ MNP auto reliable mode (same as &Q5).
\N4 V.42 or disconnect. The modem attempts to connect in V.42
error control mode. If this fails, the modem disconnects.
\N5 V. 4 2 , MNP, or buffered (same as \N3).
\N7 V. 4 2 , MNP, or buffered (same as \N3).
\Q<value>—Local Flow Control Selection
Use this command to set the local flow control method.