Instrucciones de cuidado y limpieza
Para obtener los mejores resultados, tenga presente lo siguiente al limpiar su producto
Siempre pruebe la solución de limpieza en un área oculta antes de aplicarla a toda
la superficie.
Limpie con un trapo las superficies y enjuague completa e inmediatamente con
agua después de aplicar el limpiador. Enjuague y seque las superficies cercanas
que se hayan rociado.
No deje por tiempo prolongado los limpiadores en la superficie.
Utilice una esponja o trapo suave y húmedo. Nunca utilice materiales abrasivos
como cepillos o estropajos de tallar para limpiar las superficies.
No utilice productos de limpieza abrasivos ni disolventes acídicos sobre las
superficies de Vikrell pues pueden opacar o descolorar la superficie.
Limpie su bañera o ducha con un paño suave después de cada uso para evitar la
acumulación de jabón y suciedad.
El calor extremo como el producido por cigarrillos o calentadores portátiles puede
dañar las superficies de Vikrell. No utilice estos aparatos cerca de la bañera o
Para obtener información detallada sobre la limpieza y los productos de limpieza a
considerar, visítenos en www.sterlingplumbing.com/support.html. Para solicitar
información acerca del cuidado y la limpieza, llame al 1-800-456-4537.
Fixtures Made Of Solid Vikrell Material
Bathing Fixtures and Bathroom Lavatories - 10 YEARS LIMITED RESIDENTIAL / 3
Based on the classification specified above, STERLING bathing fixtures and bathroom
lavatories made of solid Vikrell material are warranted to be free of manufacturing
defects for 10 years from the date of sale when fixtures are used in residential
(owner-occupied) buildings, or 3 years from the date of sale when fixtures are used in
commercial buildings (hotels, motels, businesses, and rental properties).
Whirlpool baths are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects for the same periods
except for the pump/motor assembly, which is warranted to be free of manufacturing
defects for 1 year from the date of sale.
Kitchen and utility sinks made of solid Vikrell material are warranted to be free of
manufacturing defects for as long as the original consumer purchaser owns his/her
home, or for 3 years from the date of sale when used in commercial buildings (hotels,
motels, businesses and rental properties).
Kohler Co. will, at its election, repair, rectify or replace a fixture when inspection by
Kohler Co. discloses any such defects occurring in normal usage within the time period
of coverage stated above. Kohler Co. is not responsible for removal or installation costs
where replacement is indicated. Damages due to improper handling, installation or
maintenance are not considered manufacturing defects and are not covered by this
warranty. This warranty is valid for the original, consumer purchaser only.
To obtain warranty service, contact Sterling, either through your plumbing contractor,
home center, wholesaler or dealer, or by calling or writing Sterling, Consumer Services,
1065823-2-F 36 Sterling