PDL principles and procedures
1-22 Using LCDS Print Description Language
The VFU (vertical format unit) commands in the JSL illustration
shown in table 1-7 are examples of commands with identifiers.
(In this JSL, the VFU command identifiers are called “VFU1” and
The types of commands described in the following sections are
usually coded first at the system level (following the JDL
command) because:
• They require identifiers.
• They typically apply to all jobs within a JSL.
These commands include:
• VFU commands
• TABLE commands
• CRITERIA commands
• PDE commands
• CME commands
• CODE commands
• VOLUME commands
• RECORD commands
• BLOCK commands
NOTE: Make sure that the first command line of the JSL is the
JDL identifier command. The system level ID commands then
follow. For example:
VFU1: VFU ASSIGN=(1,1), TOF=1, BOF=66;
“XSML” is the name of the complete JDL. The VFU command is
at the system level and has the identifier “VFU1.”