Show Stations: selection lists the stations which are connected to the device
while operating in Access Point mode.
Statistics for all the stations (RSSI, Tx Rate, Rx Rate and Idle time) can be
updated using the Reload button.
More statistics (Station Uptime, Negotiated Rates, Static WDS Flag,
Tx/Rx Frames, Tx/Rx Bytes) can be retrieved while clicking on the “+”
button near MAC address of the each Station entry.
Current Status of the system ARP table
Show ARP Table: selection lists all the entries of the ARP (Address Resolution
Protocol) table currently recorded on the device.
The list can be updated using the Reload button.
ARP is used to associate each IP address to the unique hardware address
(MAC) the devices. It is important to have unique IP addresses for each MAC or
else there will be ambiguous routes in the network.
Current Status of the system routing tables
Show Routes: selection lists all the entries in the system routing table, while
the device is operating in Router mode.
The list can be updated using the Reload button.
AirOS examines the
destination IP address
of each data packet traveling
through the system and chooses the appropriate interface to forward the
packet to. The system choice depends on static routing rules – entries, which
are registered in system routing table. Static routes to specific hosts, networks
or default gateway are set up automatically according to the IP configuration of
all the AirOS interfaces.
AirOS IP configuration description is provided in the
Link Setup