This page handles advanced routing and wireless settings. The Advanced options page
allows you to manage advanced settings that influence on the device performance and
behavior. The advanced wireless settings are dedicated for more technically advanced
users who have a sufficient knowledge about wireless LAN technology. These settings
should not be changed unless you know what effect the changes will have on your
Advanced Wireless Setting
Rate Algorithm: defines data rate algorithm convergence.
Optimistic Algorithm is aggressive enough to move to a higher rate but yet tries
to conservatively capture the fluctuations of the RSSI. It starts with the highest
possible rate and then decreases till the rate can be supported while
periodically transmitting packets at higher rates and computing the
transmission time.
Conservative Algorithm is less sensitive to individual packet failure as it is based
on a function of number of successful and erroneous
transmission/retransmission over a sampling period. It steps down to a lower
rate after continuous packet failure and steps up after number of successful
EWMA Algorithm is trying to move to a higher rate but is continuously
monitoring the packet failure counters.
The 802.11 data rates include 1,2,5.5,11Mbps (802.11b) and
6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54Mbps (802.11a/g). The Rate Algorithm has a critical impact on
performance in outdoor links as generally lower data rates are less immune to noise
while higher rates are more immune, but are capable of higher throughput. The