AC1750 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
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1. Click Add New... button shown in Figure 4-93 to enter the Advanced Schedule Settings
2. In Schedule Description field, create a unique description for the schedule (e.g.
3. In Day field, check the Select Days radio button and then select Sat and Sun.
4. In Time field, enter 1800 in Start Time field and 2000 in Stop Time field.
5. Click Save to complete the settings.
Then you will go back to the Schedule Settings page and see the following list.
4.16 Advanced Routing
Figure 4-95 Advanced Routing
There are two submenus under the Advanced Routing menu as shown in Figure 4-95: Static
Routing List and System Routing Table. Click any of them, and you will be able to configure the
corresponding function.
4.16.1 Static Routing List
Choose menu “Advanced Routing
Static Routing List”, and then you can configure the
static route in the next screen (shown in
Figure 4-96). A static route is a pre-determined path that
network information must travel to reach a specific host or network.
Figure 4-96 Static Routing