Product environmental attributes – THE ECO DECLARATION
The declaration may be published only when all rows and/or fields marked with an * are filled-in (n.a. for not applicable).
Additional information regarding each item may be found under P14.
Brand *
Company name *
Sharp Electronics (Europe) GmbH
Contact information *
Internet site *
Additional information
The company declares (based on product specification or test results based obtained from sample testing), that the product
conforms to the statements given in this declaration.
Type of product *
Commercial name *
Model number *
Issue date *
Intended market *
Global Europe Asia, Pacific & Japan Americas Other
Additional information
This is an uncontrolled copy when in printed form. Please refer to the contact information for the latest version.
Quality Control Requirement met
Item Yes No
QC1 * The company enforces an internal quality control scheme to ensure the correctness of this eco declaration
QC2 * The company is a member of an eco declaration system that enforces regular independent quality control
such as organized by IT-Företagen (see www.itecodeclaration.org).
Annex B of ECMA-370 4
edition Amended, February 2010
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