here are two types of program rat-
ings within the AutoLock feature.
One is based on the Movie Industry rat-
ings while the other is based on the TV
Industry ratings. Both can be used to
block or censor programming that has
been rated in either manner.
Let’s first look at the Movie Rating
options of AutoLock:
Press the MENU button on the
remote to display the on-screen menu.
Press the CURSOR UP ▲ or
DOWN ▼ button until the word FEA-
TURES is highlighted.
Press the CURSOR RIGHT ©
button to display the FEATURES
menu options.
Press the CURSOR UP
button until AutoLock is
Press the CURSOR RIGHT ©
button. The screen will prompt you
for your Access Code.
Using the NUMBERED buttons
on the remote, enter your 4 digit
Access Code. The AutoLock menu
options will be displayed.
Press the CURSOR UP
button to highlight the
Press the CURSOR RIGHT ©
button to display the MOVIE RAT-
INGS options (G, PG, PG-13, R,
NC17, or X).
Press the CURSOR UP
▼ button
to highlight any of
the Movie Ratings options. When high-
lighted, all these options can be turned
ON (which will allow blocking) or
OFF (which will allow viewing).
Use the CURSOR RIGHT © but-
ton on the remote to turn the rating
option ON or OFF.
When a rating is set to block,
all higher ratings will be auto-
matically blocked as well. (Example: If
the the PG-13 rating is set to block, the
R, NC-17, and X ratings will also be
Each Movie Rating can
be turned “ON” or “OFF.”
To view a program blocked by
the Movie Rating options, enter
your 4 digit access code. This
will disable all blocked Movie
Ratings until the TV is powered
off and on again. Then the block-
ing options will be restored.
NOTE: Remember, if you ever forget
your Access Code, the 0,7,1,1 access
code is the default code or a way to
reset the code when the current access
code is not known.