Once and administrative installation has been completed, the administrative user
can make customizations to the source files, such as adding settings to the registry.
To install from the unpacked source after customizations are made, the user calls
msiexec.exe from the command line, passing the name of the unpacked MSI file.
Using msiexec.exe: To install from the unpacked source after making
customizations, the user calls msiexec.exe from the command line, passing the
name of the unpacked *.MSI file. msiexec.exe is the executable program of the
Installer used to interpret installation packages and install products on target
msiexec /i "C:\WindowsFolder\Profiles\UserName\
Personal\MySetups\project name\product configuration\release name\
DiskImages\Disk1\product name.msi"
Note: Enter the preceding command as a single line with no spaces following the
For information on command line parameters and public properties, go to the
Microsoft Web site at http://www.microsoft.com.
Installation log files
The log file rrinstall40.txt is created in the %temp% directory if the setup is
launched by setup.exe (double click the main install.exe, run the main executable
without parameters, or extract msi and execute setup.exe). This file contains log
messages that can be used to debug installation problems. This log file is not
created when running the setup directly from the MSI package; this includes any
actions performed from Add/Remove Programs. To create a log file for all MSI
actions, you can enable the logging policy in the registry. To do this, create the
Installation examples
The following table shows installation examples using setup.exe:
Table 1.
Description Example
Silent installation with no reboot. setup.exe /s /v”/qn REBOOT=”R””
Administrative installation. setup.exe /a
Silent administrative installation specifying
the extract location for Rescue and Recovery.
setup.exe /a /s /v”/qn TARGETDIR=”F:
Silent uninstallation setup.exe /s /x /v/qn. setup.exe /s /x /v/qn
Installation with no reboot. Create an
installation log in temp directory for Rescue
and Recovery.
setup.exe /v”REBOOT=”R” /L*v %temp%
Installation without installing the Predesktop
Area setup.exe /vPDA=0.
setup.exe /vPDA=0
Chapter 2. Installation 9