Table 34. Computer Configuration>Rescue and Recovery>Settings (continued)
Policy Setting Sub-Setting Description
Protect With
Enable or disable the
’Protect With UUID’ option.
If enabled, this will prevent
the backups taken on one
machine from being
restored on another.
Default: Disabled.
Protect With
Enable or disable the
’Protect With Password’
option, if enabled, backups
may be protected with a
password. Default:
Restore PreRestore PreWinRestore Command to run prior to a
restore from Windows.
Include the full path to the
file, if that path is not in
the environment variable.
Default: None.
PreRestore PreWinRestoreParameters The parameter that passes
the command that is run
prior to a restore from
Windows. Default: None.
Restore PreRestore
PreWinRestoreShow Show or hide the command
that is run prior to a restore
from Windows. Default:
Restore PreRestore
PreWinRestore0 Command to run prior to a
restore of the base backup
from Windows. Include the
full path to the file, if that
path is not in the
environment variable.
Default: None.
Restore PreRestore
PreWinRestoreParameters0 The parameter that passes
the command that is run
prior to a restore of the
base backup from
Windows. Default: None.
Restore PreRestore
PreWinRestoreShow0 Show or hide the command
that is run prior to a restore
of the base backup from
Windows. Default: Show.
Restore PreRestore
PreWinRestore1 Command to run prior to a
restore of incremental
backup number 1 from
Windows. Include the full
path to the file, if that path
is not in the environment
variable. Default: None.
118 Rescue and Recovery Deployment Guide Version 4.1