- When the cleaning uid drops below the minimum level, the ‘cleaning
chamber empty’ symbol starts to ash and the holder returns to its
starting position.
- If you use the Jet Clean System to clean your shaver every day,
you need to rell the cleaning chamber approx. every 15 days.
Cleaning the Jet Clean System
Clean the cleaning chamber every 15 days.
You can wipe the outside of the Jet Clean System with a damp cloth.
1 Simultaneously press the release buttons on both sides of the Jet
Clean System (1). Then lift the Jet Clean System off the cleaning
chamber (2).
, The cleaning chamber remains behind.
2 Pouranyremainingcleaninguidoutofthecleaningchamber.
You can simply pour the cleaning uid down the sink.
3 Rinse the cleaning chamber under the tap.
The cleaning chamber is not dishwasher-proof.
4 FillthecleaningchamberwithHQ200cleaninguidtoalevel
between the two lines.