View: Operator Guide
Fig. 61. Retrieval session started from an Alarm session. An alarm is selected,
then Video is clicked. The Retrieval session has been dragged down, revealing
the Alarm session in the background. For the location of Video button in an
Alarm session, see figure 60. 6–9
Fig. 62. Using maintenance to set events to report an alarm. 6–13
Fig. 63 . Events for a customer device are listed in a maintenance session. You
can use these events to trigger an alarm, be logged, or both. Here, events from
a cash register “device” are listed. 6–14
Fig. 64. Alarms can be triggered by different sources. 6–15
Fig. 65. Alarm Log Search. The date uses a format from the Regional Settings of
your Windows Control Panel. 6–18
Fig. 66. The Clips action tab in View software. 7–1
Fig. 67. Changing the folder for Multi stills and clips to “Multi Clips and Stills”. 7–4
Fig. 68. List of clips on the Clips action tab 7–5
Fig. 69. Enabling production of still shots from video (i.e. bitmaps). 7–8
Fig. 70. Button for stills— “Start Recording Bitmaps”—shown in a live session. 7–8
Fig. 71. Stills listed on the Clips action tab. Note the *.bmp files. 7–9
Fig. 72. Site tour information is displayed in the title bar 9–1
Fig. 73. Samples of Site Tours in List 9–2
Fig. 74. Site Tour Information Displayed in Title Bar 9–2
Fig. 75. Site Tour Properties dialog 9–3
Fig. 76. You can set a Rapid Eye Multi-Media unit to log an event. 10–1
Fig. 77. Search for Events window 10–2
Fig. 78. Search for Data window 11–2
Fig. 79. Reminder of data labels in Search for Events session. 11–3
Fig. 80. The rule for a customer event can be viewed on the Data Recording tab. 11–5
Fig. 81. Example of customized basic schedule: recording occurs at times other
than 6:30 to 7:00, on Wednesdays. 12–1
Fig. 82. Specifying a holiday for the next few years. 12–2
Fig. 83. Arming alarms weekends, holidays and exception days. 12–4
Fig. 84. Arming alarms for weekends, holidays and exception days. 12–5