................DANGER, Explanation of . ii
...................................Dashboard . 2, 58
................Daytime Running Lights . 72
Daytime Running Lights
.......................................Indicator . 64
.................................Dead Battery . 248
............Defects, Reporting Safety . 280
................Defogger, Rear Window . 73
................................Cancel Button . 160
............................Capacities Chart . 266
.............Carbon Monoxide Hazard . 54
..........................Cargo Area Light . 114
.................................Cargo Hooks . 179
....................Cargo, How to Carry . 176
......................................Cargo Net . 179
Cassette Player
............................................Care . 142
...................................Operation . 139
..............CAUTION, Explanation of . ii
.........................................CD Care . 135
...................................CD Changer . 134
.......CD Changer Error Message . 137
.......................CD Error Message . 136
.......................................CD Player . 133
...............................Center Pocket . 110
..................................Center Table . 105
........................Certification Label . 264
.................................Chains, Tires . 234
Changing Oil
........................................How to . 212
......................................When to . 205
....................Changing a Flat Tire . 239
...Charging System Indicator . 60, 252
............Checklist, Before Driving . 182
..................Childproof Door Locks . 79
.....................................Child Safety . 35
..............................Booster Seats . 51
...................................Child Seats . 42
.....Important Safety Reminders . 39
..........................................Infants . 40
..........................Lerger Children . 50
.........................................LATCH . 44
......................Risks with Airbags . 36
.............................Small Children . 41
.........................................Tethers . 48
........Where Should A Child Sit? . 36
.......................................Child Seats . 42
......LATCH Anchorage System . 44
..........Tether Anchorage Points . 48
...................................Seat Belts . 226
...............Climate Control System . 121
..............................................Clock . 105
......................................Coat Hook . 111
.....................Code, Audio System . 144
........................CO in the Exhaust . 271
...................................Coin Holder . 110
............Cold Weather, Starting in . 183
......................Compact Spare Tire . 238
...............Consumer Information . 278
.............Controls, Instruments and . 57
........................................Adding . 214
....................................Checking . 172
.........................Proper Solution . 214
...................Temperature Gauge . 67
Crankcase Emissions Control
........................................System . 271
................Cruise Control Indicator . 64
............Cruise Control Operation . 160
...................................Cup Holders . 106
.............Customer Service Office . 278