Parameter Description
Fragment Threshold
"Fragment Threshold" specifies the maximum size of packet during the
fragmentation of data to be transmitted. If you set this value too low, it will
result in bad performance.
RTS Threshold
When the packet size is smaller the RTS threshold, the wireless router will not
use the RTS/CTS mechanism to send this packet.
Beacon Interval
The interval of time that this wireless router broadcast a beacon. Beacon is
used to synchronize the wireless network.
DTIM Period
The DTIM period you specify here indicates how often the clients served by this
access point should check for buffered data still on the AP awaiting pickup.
Max Data Rate
The “Data Rate” is the rate this access point uses to transmit data packets. The
access point will use the highest possible selected transmission rate to transmit
the data packets.
Preamble Type
The “Long Preamble” can provide better wireless LAN compatibility while the
“Short Preamble” can provide better wireless LAN performance.
Broadcast ESSID
If you enable “Broadcast ESSID”, every wireless station located within the
coverage of this access point can discover this access point easily. If you are
building a public wireless network, enabling this feature is recommended.
Disabling “Broadcast ESSID” can provide better security.
CTS Protect
It is recommended to enable the protection mechanism. This mechanism can
decrease the rate of data collision between 802.11b and 802.11g wireless
stations. When the protection mode is enabled, the throughput of the AP will be
a little lower due to many of frame traffic should be transmitted.
Tx Power
You can adjust the wireless transmit power here. By reduce the tx power can
let the wireless signal only cover your working area.
Turbo Mode By enable the turbo mode can enhance the throughput up to 35Mbps.
WMM stands for Wi-Fi Multimedia. It is a standard created to define quality of
service (QoS) in Wi-Fi networks. This adds prioritized capabilities to Wi-Fi
networks and optimizes their performance when multiple concurring
applications, each with different latency and throughput requirements, compete
for network resources.
Click <Apply> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations. You can now configure other
advance sections or start using the router.