2.3 LAN
The LAN Port screen below allows you to specify a private IP address for your router’s LAN ports as well as
a subnet mask for your LAN segment.
Parameter Description
IP address
This is the router’s LAN port IP address (Your LAN clients default gateway IP
IP Subnet Mask Specify a Subnet Mask for your LAN segment
DHCP Server Status
You can enable or disable the DHCP server. By enabling the DHCP server the
router will automatically give your LAN clients an IP address. If the DHCP is not
enabled then you’ll have to manually set your LAN client’s IP addresses; make
sure the LAN Client is in the same subnet as this broadband router if you want
the router to be your LAN client’s default gateway
IP Address Pool
You can select a particular IP address range for your DHCP server to issue IP
addresses to your LAN Clients.
WINS Server You can specify the WINS server to assign to DHCP clients.
Provide Real DNS
When check this box, DHCP server will provide WAN DNS server to DHCP
clients. Otherwise, DHCP server will provide itself as the DNS server.
Domain from upper
Enable this to assign the domain name from WAN connection.
Static DHCP leases
Static DHCP leases is for user to statically associate an IP address to a
specific MAC address.
Dynamic DHCP Client
Dynamic DHCP Client List shows all IP addresses already assigned and the
corresponding LAN PC hostname and their MAC addresses.
Click <Apply> at the bottom of the screen to save the above configurations. You can now configure other
advance sections or start using the router (with the advance settings in place)