2-2 Dell OptiPlex GX
Mini Tower Systems Reference and Installation Guide
ystem Setup Screens
The two System Setup screens, Page 1 and Page 2, dis-
play the current setup and configuration information and
optional settings for your system. (Typical examples are
illustrated in Figure 2-1.) Information on the two System
Setup screens is organized in five boxed areas:
Title box
The box at the top of both screens lists the system
name, the page number (Page 1 or Page 2), and the
revision number of the basic input/output system
Configuration options
The box on the left half of both screens lists the cate-
gories that define the installed hardware in your
Fields beside the categories contain options or
values. You can change those that appear bright on
the screen. Options or values that you cannot change
because they are determined by the system appear
less bright.
Some categories have multiple fields, which may
show options or values as bright or less bright,
depending upon what options or values you entered
in other fields.
The box on the upper-right half of both screens dis-
plays help information for the category with a
currently highlighted field.
System data
The box in the lower-right corner of both screens
displays information about your system.
Key functions
The line of boxes across the bottom of both screens
lists keys and their functions within the System
Setup program.
sing the System Setup Program
Table 2-1 lists the keys you use to view or change infor-
mation on the System Setup screens and to exit the
Table 2-1. System-Setup Navigation Keys
Keys Action
Moves to the next field.
Moves to the previous field.
Cycles through the options in a
field. In many fields, you can
also type in the appropriate
Scrolls through help informa-
Switches between Pages 1
and 2.
Exits the System Setup pro-
gram without rebooting the
system and returns the system
to its previous state—the boot
routine or operating system
For most of the categories, any
changes you made are recorded
but do not take effect until the
next time you boot the system.
For a few categories (as noted
in the help area), the changes
take effect immediately.
Exits the System Setup pro-
gram and reboots the system,
implementing any changes you
CAUTION: Any unsaved
data in open application pro-
grams will be lost when you
use this key combination.