Specifications: Dell Dimension 9150 Service Manual
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Dell™ Dimension™ 9150 Service Manual
Processor type Intel® Pentium® 4 Socket-T with Hyper-
Threading or Dual-Core support
Cache 2 MB
Type dual-channel 533- and 667-MHz DDR2
Memory connectors four
Memory capacities 256 MB, 512 MB, or 1 GB
Minimum memory 512 MB
Maximum memory 4 GB
BIOS address F0000h
Computer Information
Chipset Intel 945P
DMA channels eight
Interrupt levels 24
BIOS chip (NVRAM) 4 Mb
NIC integrated-network interface capable of
10/100/1000-Mbps communication
System clock 800- or 1066-MHz data rate
Type PCI Express
Type internal 7.1 channel or PCI option cards
Expansion Bus
Bus type PCI 32 bit
PCI Express x1, x4, and x16
Bus speed PCI 33 MHz
PCI Express 100 MHz
Bus throughput PCI Express:
x1 slot bidirectional speed — 500