Printer Operation
Top Menu Sub Menu Default Menu Remarks
Off ... Auto configure ineffective.
When a peeler unit or auto-cutter is
installed but has not been started, it is
off and the operation is selected by
“Function select”.
Function Select Tear Off Selects the type of options installed and
Tear adjusts the "paper stop" position accordingly.
Peel On* For example, the position where the label
Cut On* stops in "Tear" mode is different to that in
"Peel On" mode.
Cutter Action* Backfeed Backfeed Cutter operating method setting
Through Backfeed: it feeds back after each cutting
Through: when the number copied = n, the
back end of sheet 1 to n-1 passes through,
and the back end of the final page that is a
single sheet is copied and fed back.
Paper Position 0.00IN Peel/Cut/Tear Off The stop position can be fine tuned using
0.00mm 0.00 to 2.00 IN this menu setting. The general stop position
0.0 to 50.8mm is selected depending on the "Function"
Peel/Cut/Tear On selected above.
-1.00 to 1.00 IN
-25.4 to 25.4mm
Mode/Repeat Key Disabled LabelSet Repeat method selection
LastOne LabelSet:
Disabled Reissues multiple labels.
Issues only the final page.
In count case, it issues only 1 label while
Makes the repeat key invalid.
Interfaces RS-232C Baud 9600 115200 Sets the baud rate of the serial interface.
57600 • Interface related settings are effective
38400 after the power is turned on again.
RS-232C Parity None None Sets the communication parity of the serial
Odd interface.
RS-232C Length 8 bits 8 bits Sets the character length of the serial
7 bits interface.
RS-232C Stop bit 1 bit 1 bit Sets the stop bit of the serial interface.
2 bits
RS-232C X-ON Yes Yes Selects the X-ON flow control of the serial
No interface.
IEEE1284 ON ON Enable or disables the 'enhanced' features of
OFF the IEEE1284 parallel interface.
Mode Settings
* Effective only when the optional unit is attached.