9.3 Parameters of technical features
Value Item
Min. Typical Max.
Operating pressure (pressure
350 KPa
Injector electric resistance at 20℃ 11 16
Allowable fuel:
The injector can only use the fuel in compliance with the provisions in GB 17930-1999 (for
vehicle unleaded gasoline) and GWKB 1-1999 (harmful substance control standard for vehicle
gasoline), and detergent is required to be added into gasoline. It should be specially pointed out that
too long storage of gasoline may make it deteriorate. Especially, the taxi with a (LPG and gasoline)
dual-fuel engine uses LPG as fuel long and gasoline is only used for startup, so, daily consumption
of gasoline is little. However, because the fuel pump runs long, so the temperature of fuel tank is
quite high. If gasoline is stored in the fuel tank of such auto, it may quite liable to oxidation and
deterioration, which may lead to choke even damage of injector.
9.4 Installation attentions
l Use specific connector for certain injector and no mixed use will be allowable.
l For installation convenience, it is recommended to daub silica-free clean engine oil on the
1. O-ring
2. Filter net
3. Injector body with electric connector
4. Coil
5. Spring
6. Valve needle with coil armature
7. Valve seat with nozzle plate
Cross-section view of electromagnetic injector
Circuit diagram of electromagnetic injector
main relay
1# cylinder 1# cylinder 1# cylinder 1# cylinder