3.1.2. Rear tow ring
The rear tow ring is located under the rear of body, as shown in the figure below:
3.2. Towing method
3.2.1. The vehicle with manual transmission
The vehicle with manual transmission can be directly towed by the front tow ring of tractor,
and, at the same time, the traveling direction of the vehicle towed shall be controlled by a driver;
and if the vechile is a tractor, please ensure that the towing rope connect reliably with the rear tow
3.2.2. The vehicle with automatic transmission (*)
Two front wheels of the vehicle with automatic transmission are trailed by a tractor so as to tow
the vehicle. Please DO NOT directly tow the vehicle; and if the vechile is a tractor, please ensure
that the towing rope connect reliably with the rear tow ring.
4. Instrument Setting
4.1. Clock setting
Time is displayed on the left side of odometer in two modes: pointer and digital. The clock can
be adjusted by pressing the control button on the speedometer for a long time.
Front Tow Ring
Rear Tow Ring