2. Completely and softly shovel off the glue on the surface
of oil pan with a flat shovel and then apply new sealant
uniformly (see the table above for type of the sealant).
As soon as new sealant is applied properly,
assemble at once; otherwise, the sealant may freeze,
which may affect the sealing effect.
Chapter Thirteen Disassembly of Crank-Connecting Rod
I. Disassembly Procedure
1 Use a 13# sleeve to remove the fixing bolt of clutch
Torque: 23±2 Nm
2. Use the special tool CH-20009 to lock the crankshaft
and then use a 13# sleeve to remove the connecting bolt
of flywheel and crankshaft.
3. Use a 13# sleeve to loosen the fixing bolt of
connecting rod bearing cylinder by cylinder and then
take off the piston and connecting rod assembly.
After the pistons are taken out of the cylinders,
reset and connect the bearing caps of connecting rod big
end and bolts properly and then put them by order.