Replacing components
Battery switch
Before storing the vehicle for an extended
period of several weeks or more, slide the
battery switch located behind the trim
panel on the right side of the luggage com-
partment to OFF. This reduces the current
flow from the battery for the period during
which the vehicle remains parked.
A message appears in the Check Control.
Please take note of the supplementary
information provided on the Control Dis-
Return used batteries to a recycling
point or your BMW center. Maintain
the battery in an upright position for trans-
port and storage. Always restrain the bat-
tery to prevent it from tipping over during
Never attempt to repair a blown fuse,
and do not replace a defective fuse
with a substitute of another color or amper-
age rating, as this could lead to a circuit
overload, ultimately resulting in a fire in the
Spare fuses are located on the fuse strip in
the glove compartment; plastic tweezers
can be found at the fuse holder in the lug-
gage compartment.
In the glove compartment
Press the tab on the cover to the front, then
fold up the cover.
In the luggage compartment
Use the handle to pull down the trim on the
right wall.
Online Edition for Part No. 01 41 0 157 670 - © 08/03 BMW AG