S1 Reference
This section contains detailed reference information about the S1.
Understanding the Light Flashes
The Bluetooth Light on the middle of the S1 changes indicates the current state of the S1.
Light Description
Flashing Blue Indicates that the S1 is on.
• When the S1 is on but not connected to any
Bluetooth devices, the light will flash blue
once every few seconds.
• When the S1 is on and is connected to your
phone, the light will flash blue twice in
quick succession every few seconds.
• The light flashes blue continuously when
the S1 is searching for devices in range or
connecting to a previously paired device.
Steady Blue Indicates that the Bluetooth Link is active. The
light turns steady blue when you have an active
call through the S1 and when you are streaming
music through the S1.
Steady Red Indicates that the battery is low.
Steady Orange Indicates that the battery is charging.
Steady Green Indicates that the battery is charged and you can
now disconnect the S1 from the power supply.
Violet Indicates that you have reached the minimum or
maximum volume setting.
Flashing Red and Blue Indicates that the S1 is in pairing mode.