Proposal Number PSDF #P09-0004
There shall be one (1) rescue style, full height, and full depth compartment ahead of the rear wheels. It shall
have approximate dimensions of 48" wide x 63" high x 24" deep.
There shall be one (1) high side compartment centered over the rear wheels. It shall have approximate
dimensions of 52" wide x 33" high x 24" deep.
There shall be one (1) rescue style, full height, and full depth compartment behind the rear wheels. It shall
have approximate dimensions of 43" wide x 63" high x 24" deep.
The fuel fill shall be located in the rear fender area on the left side of the apparatus body. The spring loaded
fuel fill door shall have "Diesel Fuel" laser cut in the face of the door. There shall be a vent line from the
fuel tank to beneath the fuel cap to aid in fueling of the truck.
Four (4) SCBA bottle tube compartments shall be provided, two (2) in each side rear wheel well area. One
(1) shall be located forward and one (1) located rearward of each single axle tire. Each compartment shall be
constructed of molded plastic tubing and shall be provided with a hinged, cast aluminum door with a brushed
There shall be one (1) rescue style, full height, and full depth compartment ahead of the rear wheels. It shall
have approximate dimensions of 48" wide x 63" high x 24" deep.
There shall be one (1) high side reduced depth compartment centered over the rear wheels. It shall have
approximate dimensions of 34" wide x 33" high x 12" deep, rearward of the hydraulic ladder rack support
There shall be one (1) rescue style, full height, and full depth compartment behind the rear wheels. It shall
have approximate dimensions of 43" wide x 63" high x 24" deep.
There shall be one (1) half height compartment at the rear of the body. It shall have approximate dimensions
of 48" wide x 29" high x 22" deep.
All compartments shall be provided with a roll up door that shall be constructed of double sided aluminum
extrusions connected with a ball and socket joint. The extrusions shall be 1-3/8" wide x 3/8" thick with satin
anodized finishing. A flexible EDPM extrusion shall be provided between each slat to insure a weather tight
seal. Aluminum extrusions shall be individually replaceable without disassembling the entire door by
removing push out clips on each end.
The rear door latch shall be a non-locking stainless steel lift bar and shall be provided with a magnetic door
ajar switch system.