• SURFboard SB5100 Cable Modem
• USB and Ethernet cables
Power adapter
• Installation CD-ROM with USB drivers
• Quick Start Guide
Two-year limited warranty
Minimum 486/66 (Pentium Processor preferred) or
Macintosh-compatible CPU (Power PC)
Operating systems such as: Windows
95/98/2000/NT/Me/XP; Macintosh
OS 8 or higher;
and UNIX
• CD-ROM drive
• 10/100Base-T Ethernet or USB connection
• Check with your local cable provider for DOCSIS
high speed data service
Continued on back
Built for incredible speed.
Zoom through the Net with Motorola’s SURFboard Cable Modem.
Why waste time waiting for dial-up? With the SURFboard, high speed Internet access is always
at your fingertips. That’s because it’s always on and always connected. Plus, it’s fast. Up to 100
times faster than traditional 28.8K analog phone modems.* And, with its built-in stand-by switch
designed to keep the outside world away from your computer, it’s safer too.**
• Always on, always connected and always ready to go
• No telephone line needed
Capable of downloading up to 100 times faster than
traditional 28.8k analog phone modems*
• Downloads mega-files in seconds
Stand-by switch disconnects the modem from the
outside world when not in use**
Expands real-time online gaming and console
gaming with online access
• USB or Ethernet connectivity for easy installation
24 x 7 technical support available over the Web or
by phone
1.1 and DOCSIS
2.0 Certified
• Front-panel LEDs to indicate status
• User-friendly online diagnostics page
• Supports standard Internet software
• Specially designed architecture allows for future
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