Feature/function All models
Control panel Button control for Load/Unload, Tear Off, Font, Setup, Pitch,
Macro, and paper movement functions. Control panel lights
indicate current status.
Font lock
• Locks the font selection you make from the control panel
so it is not changed by your program.
• Font lock is deactivated when you turn the printer off
unless it is set in the printer default settings.
Pitch lock
• Locks pitch selections you make from the control panel
so they are not changed by your program
• Pitch lock is deactivated when you turn the printer off
unless it is set in the printer default settings.
Load/Unload Loads and unloads continuous form paper (tractor fed)
Macro function The printer has the capability of storing four unique
document formats to enhance flexibility when using
different styles of pre-printed forms.
Manual front loading for cut sheets Enables printing on cut sheets or envelopes
Tear Off bar
• Assists in removing printed continuous forms at the
• Assists in tearing non-perforated forms
• Reduces the amount of paper used, thus reducing costs
Adjustable tractor Lets you handle continuous form paper without purchasing
additional options. It can be repositioned to function as:
• Push tractor
• Pull tractor
Control panel disable Limits control panel functions to the Start/Stop, FormFeed,
Tear Off, and Load/Unload buttons only, thus limiting the
potential that untrained operators may accidentally change
forms settings
Ribbon cartridge Contains the inked fabric ribbon
Printer tests
• Power-on Self Test
• Printer test page—Determines whether your machine
has print problems
• Demonstration Print
Box and line drawings Prints tables, charts, and other graphics as shown on your
computer screen
Greek and math symbols Prints a variety of symbols used in mathematical equations,
including subscript and superscript
Code pages Selects the characters and symbols corresponding to various
country languages
Learning about the printer