Prestige 643 ADSL Router
Glossary S
(traffic flows at the same speed in both directions), or asymmetrical (the downstream
capacity is higher than the upstream capacity). DSL connections are point-to-point
dedicated circuits, meaning that they are always connected. There is no dial-up.
There is also no switching, which means that the line is a direct connection into the
carrier’s frame relay, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode), or Internet-connect
DSLAM A Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer (DSLAM) is a network device, usually
at a telephone company central office, that receives signals from multiple customer
Digital Subscriber Line connections and puts the signals on a high-speed backbone
line using multiplexing techniques. Depending on the product, DSLAM multiplexers
connect DSL lines with some combination of asynchronous transfer mode ATM,
frame relay, or IP networks.
EMI ElectroMagnetic Interference. The interference by electromagnetic signals that can
cause reduced data integrity and increased error rates on transmission channels.
Ethernet A very common method of networking computers in a LAN. There are a number of
adaptations to the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet standard, including adaptations with data
rates of 10 Mbits/sec and 100 Mbits/sec over coaxial cable, twisted-pair cable and
fiber-optic cable. The latest version of Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, has a data rate of 1
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) -- FAQs are documents that list and answer the most
common questions on a particular subject.
FCC The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) is in charge of allocating the
electromagnetic spectrum and thus the bandwidth of various communication
Filters Your Prestige uses filters to decide whether to allow passage of a data packet and/or
to make a call. There are two types of filter applications: data filtering and call
FTP File Transfer Protocol. The Internet protocol (and program) used to transfer files
between hosts.
Gateway A gateway is a computer system or other device that acts as a translator between two
systems that do not use the same communication protocols, data formatting
structures, languages, and/or architecture.
HDLC HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) is a bit-oriented (the data is monitored bit by
bit), link layer protocol for the transmission of data over synchronous networks.
hop count A measure of distance between two points on the Internet. It is equivalent to the