scroll bar Part of a window that allows you to view information extending
beyond the window display.
SCSI small computer system interface. Accepted standard for connecting
peripheral devices to computers.
secondary storage Form of storage external to a system, such as magnetic tapes or
floppy disks.
security 1. Procedure for limiting access to the system resources, programs,
or files, to authorized personnel. 2. Protecting programs and files
from unintentional or undesired modification.
SEF short-edge feed. The movement of paper through the printer in the
direction of the paper width (the shorter side of a sheet of paper). For
the DocuPrint 180 LPS, short-edge feed allows larger sizes of paper
(up to 11 by 17 inches/279 by 432 mm) to be printed.
sequential In numeric sequence, usually in ascending order. As applied to a file
organization, describes files in which records are written one after
another and cannot be randomly accessed. For example, the first 99
records in a sequential file-access file have to be read before the
100th record is accessible.
set In setting a separation boundary through the Bin Full Criteria task, set
refers to multiple copies of the same report.
simplex printing Printing on one side of the page. See also duplex printing.
software Programs, including operating systems, procedures, utilities, and
applications programs, written for a system. Software can be
supplied by the hardware manufacturer or other firms but does not
include programs written by the user.
sort To rearrange data records according to a particular item (field) which
they all contain, using a predetermined ordering scheme.
source Terminal node at which data enters a network. For example, a
computer transmitting data through telecommunication lines to
several other computers or receiving terminals.
source file File containing source language statements or commands.
source language Language, high-level or low-level, used by a programmer. A source
language must be converted by a compiler to machine language for
the instructions to be executed.
source program Program written in source language
space Blank area between words, recognized as a character by word and
data processing systems.