Adjusting the height of the upper rack
The height of the upper rack can be adjusted: high position
to place bulky crockery in the lower rack and low position to
make the most of the tip-up compartments by creating more
space upwards.
It is strongly recommended to never adjust height position
when the rack is loaded.
NEVER raise or lower the rack on one side only.
Open the left and right guide rail stops and pull out the rack;
position it higher or lower as required, slide it along the guide rails
until the front wheels are in place and close the stops
Unsuitable crockery
• Woodencrockeryandcutlery.
• Delicatedecoratedglasses,artistichandicraft andantique
crockery. Their decorations are not resistant.
• Partsin synthetic material which do not withstand high
• Copperandtincrockery.
• Crockerysoiledwithash,wax,lubricatinggreaseorink.
of wash cycles too.
Damage to glass and crockery
Caused by:
• Typeofglassandglassproductionprocess.
• Chemicalcompositionofdetergent.
• Watertemperatureofrinsecycle.
• Onlyuse glasses and porcelainguaranteedbythe
manufacturer as dishwasher safe.
• Useadelicatedetergentsuitableforcrockery.
• Collectglassesandcutleryfromthedishwasherassoonas
the wash cycle is over.