Chapter 4: BIOS
Boot up Num-Lock
Set this value to allow the Number Lock setting to be modifi ed during boot up.
The options are On and Off.
PS/2 Mouse Support
Set this value to modify support for a PS/2 mouse. The options are Auto, En-
abled and Disabled.
Wait for ‘F1’ If Error
Select Enable to activate the Wait for F1 if Error function. The options are
Enabled and Disabled.
Hit ‘DEL’ Message Display
Select Enabled to display message to hit the DEL key to enter Setup. The op-
tions are Enabled and Disabled.
Interrupt 19 Capture
Select Enabled to allow ROMs to trap Interrupt 19. The options are Enabled
and Disabled.
OS Installation
Change this setting if using a 64-bit Linux operating system. The available op-
tions are Other and Linux.
ACPI Confi guration:
ACPI Version Features
Use this setting the determine which ACPI version to use. Options are ACPI
v1.0, ACPI v2.0 and ACPI v3.0.
Determines whether to include the ACPI APIC table pointer in the RSDT pointer
list. The available options are Enabled and Disabled.
Determines whether to include the ACPI APIC table pointer in the RSDT pointer
list. The available options are Enabled and Disabled.