The shock mount bands
The shock mount uses four elastomer suspension bands to hold
the VideoMic Pro in its shock mount cradle. These bands have been
created to be intentionally soft, to minimise the transmission of
mechanical and handling noise through this material.
If the VideoMic Pro is shaken vigorously or knocked during use, the
microphone body may touch the sides of the shock mount cradle.
This should be avoided as it may add unwanted noise.
During handling or transport, the bands attaching the VideoMic Pro
to its shock mount cradle may become dislodged. They can easily
be put back into place by hand.
Also, if the bands should become damaged or worn over time,
the old bands can be fully removed and replacement bands fitted.
Please follow the instructions below to re-adjust or replace the
bands as necessary.
Before replacing the bands you may wish to first remove the wind-
shield foam, however this is not mandatory. The foam is not present
in the following diagrams for ease of illustration purposes only.