Release Notes - SIP Application Reference Documents
Page 62 Copyright © 2007 Polycom, Inc.
• 37391: Brief audio ‘noise’ due to SRTP encryption key change..
Workaround: To minimize the frequency of occurrence configure the
sec.srtp.key.lifetime as long as possible.
• 37437: When SRTP is used with both Authentication and Encryption enabled
on SoundPoint IP 301, 501, 600 and 601 platforms, and three-way conferencing
is enabled the phone will re-boot when a local conference is attempted.
Workaround: Disable local conferencing by setting sec.srtp.leg.allowLocalConf="0"
(this is the default setting) or disable SRTP Authentication. See Technical Bulletin
25751 for details.
38279: If a 403 response is received by the phone when attempting to
complete a call transfer in the proceeding state the phone may re-boot.
Workaround: Set allowTransferOnProceeding=”0” which prevents a transfer from
occurring during the proceeding state.
39419: Maximum Backlight Intensity setting has very little effect on
SoundPoint IP 560 phones.
Workaround: None.
39490: In some call scenarios the phone may not display the SRTP secure line
icon even though the call is encrypted.
Workaround: None.
Note: The phone does not ever indicate that a call is encrypted when it is not.
39630: Using SoundPoint IP 330/320 phone with LCS2005; Blocking a roaming
buddy from the Privacy list also prevents the user from viewing the 'Blocked'
buddy's status
Workaround: Do not block user’s from viewing your status if you wish to view their’s
4. Reference Documents
• Administrator Guide – SoundPoint IP SIP – Version 2.2.0
• Technical Bulletins 5844, 11572 35311, 35361 – may be obtained from the Polycom
web-site Support Knowledge-Base www.polycom.com/support/voip
• Technical Bulletin 25751 is available from the Polycom PRC.