To view detailed instructional videos regarding these and other features,
please go to www.nissanownersinfo.mobi.
* AND XM NAVWEATHER™* (if so equipped)
Your vehicle’s Navigation System is equipped with
XM NavTraffic
and XM NavWeather™ capabilities.
XM NavTraffic enables your vehicle’s Navigation
System to display real-time traffic conditions, such
as accidents or road construction and may provide
a detour to help avoid congestion.
XM NavWeather tracks nationwide weather
information, provides real-time weather reports and
automatically alerts you to severe weather conditions
around the current vehicle location.
Satellite Radio, NavTraffic and NavWeather are only available on
vehicles equipped with optional XM
Satellite subscription service.
For more information, refer to the “Navigation (section 2)” of your Multi
Function Display Owner’s Manual.