Musty or
odor in
Incorrect or too much detergent
has been used. Inside of tub was
not cleaned properly.
Use only High-Efficiency (HE) detergent in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions. Run an Express cycle with bleach once a
month to clean tub and remove any mold from inside washer.
Error Code Possible Causes Solutions
It takes over 30 minutes to fill water but cannot
achieve its preset water level.
Check for Washer not filling properly and Water leakage.
E2 The top lid is open. Close the lid
E3 The washer runs out of balance for three times. Redistribute the load.
It takes over 10 minutes to drain water but can not
drain the washer empty.
Check for Washer will not drain water.
E5 The water fills too much to exceed its preset level. Call to service center for help.