Services packages for VMware vCenter Lab Manager for 1Processor 1yr 9x5 for
Services packages for VMware vCenter Lab Manager for 1Processor 1yr 9x5 forServices packages for VMware vCenter Lab Manager for 1Processor 1yr 9x5 for
Services packages for VMware vCenter Lab Manager for 1Processor 1yr 9x5 for
BC407A and BC407AAE
BC407A and BC407AAEBC407A and BC407AAE
BC407A and BC407AAE
HP 3-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 1
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 1Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 1
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 1
year 9x5 Support for TD384A and TD384AAE
year 9x5 Support for TD384A and TD384AAEyear 9x5 Support for TD384A and TD384AAE
year 9x5 Support for TD384A and TD384AAE
HP 1-year 24x7 - Unlimited technical software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 3
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 3Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 3
Services packages for VMware vCenter CapacityIQ for 25 Virtual Machines with 3
year 9x5 Support for BC408A and BC408AAE
year 9x5 Support for BC408A and BC408AAEyear 9x5 Support for BC408A and BC408AAE
year 9x5 Support for BC408A and BC408AAE
HP 3-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines BundleServices packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
with 1 year 9x5 Support for TD385A and TD385AAE
with 1 year 9x5 Support for TD385A and TD385AAEwith 1 year 9x5 Support for TD385A and TD385AAE
with 1 year 9x5 Support for TD385A and TD385AAE
HP 1-year 24x7 - Unlimited technical software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines BundleServices packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
Services packages for VMware vCenter AppSpeed for 25 Virtual Machines Bundle
with 1 year 9x5 Support for BC409A and BC409AAE
with 1 year 9x5 Support for BC409A and BC409AAEwith 1 year 9x5 Support for BC409A and BC409AAE
with 1 year 9x5 Support for BC409A and BC409AAE
HP 3-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for BC410A and BC410AAE
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for BC410A and BC410AAEProcessor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for BC410A and BC410AAE
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for BC410A and BC410AAE
HP 1-year 24x7 - Unlimited technical software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Upgrade for 1
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC411A and BC411AAE
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC411A and BC411AAEProcessor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC411A and BC411AAE
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC411A and BC411AAE
HP 3-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 4-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 9x5 - Unlimited software support and updates
HP 5-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for TD419A and TD419AAE
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for TD419A and TD419AAEProcessor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for TD419A and TD419AAE
Processor with 1 year 9x5 Supp for TD419A and TD419AAE
HP 1-year 24x7 - Unlimited technical software support and updates
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Services packages for VMware vSphere Standard to Enterprise Plus Upgrade for 1
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC412A and BC412AAE
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC412A and BC412AAEProcessor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC412A and BC412AAE
Processor with 3 year 9x5 Supp for BC412A and BC412AAE
HP 3-year 24x7 - Unlimited software support and updates
VMware Virtualization Software For HP ProLiant Servers
VMware Virtualization Software For HP ProLiant ServersVMware Virtualization Software For HP ProLiant Servers
VMware Virtualization Software For HP ProLiant Servers
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DA - 12307 Worldwide — Version 52 — August 30, 2011
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