Connecting the Remote IP Feature Phone
Remote IP Feature Phone Installation Manual
Once the Remote IP Feature Phone has connected to the main office IP PBX, perform the following
operations to ensure that full, proper operation has been established.
During these steps, monitor the display for proper indication for each mode.
1. Program a programmable feature key for the extension assigned to this phone.
2. Program another programmable feature key for a local extension in the main office you’ll be calling.
3. Press the MUTE/DND key and verify that the programmable feature key for the Remote Phone
turns amber.
4. Record a message and play it back; listen for audio anomalies.
5. Call the local extension in the main office. Listen for voice quality and ask the person at the other
end how it sounds. Verify that the programmable feature key for the Remote Phone turns red and
the programmable feature key for the local phone in the main office turns green.
6. Make an outside call (dialing 9, 8 or 71—76) through the main office.
The audio quality of the Remote IP Feature Phone should be almost as good as that of a local
IP Phone in the main office. The difference is due to the compression algorithm that makes the Remote
IP Feature Phone feasible. When listening for audio quality, listen for excessive pops, clicks, drop outs,
garbling or unnatural voice modulations.
If the Remote IP Feature Phone is functional but has unacceptable audio quality, the problem likely will
be with the quality of the IP connection between the remote and main office sites.