Command Sets
1) Definition barcode term
A: Dark module
The concept of module is applied to EAN-13, EAN-8, UPC-A and CODE-128.
One or multiple dark module makes bar element.
B: Light module
The concept of module is applied to EAN-13, EAN-8,UPC-A, and COD-128.
One or multiple light module makes space element.
C: Bar element
This element is actually printed “dark” by wire dot pins.
Bar width is modulated to each barcode symbology method.
D: Space element
This element is not printed i.e. “space” area.
Space width is modulated to each barcode symbology method.
Combination of multiple bars and spaces makes one barcode character.
E: Barcode character
Encoded pattern from one or two digit(s) of receiving barcode data.
Case of CPU, EAN, CODE 39 and Code A/B group of CODE-128,
each one byte data corresponds to one barcode character.
Case of INTERLEAVED 2 OF 5 and Code C group of CODE-128,
two bytes data is encoded to one barcode character.
F: Barcode
Printed result specified by each barcode standard format.
Width: width of horizontal direction.
Length: length of vertical direction.
2) If LF operation is made by an operation switch during printing the barcode,
the received barcode data is cleared and the barcode printing is stopped.
3) Barcode printing is always performed in a single direction.
4) Receiving after the barcode data, page length
and right/left margin change may affect barcode printing.
5) Barcode data and other print data are controlled independently.
So it is necessary to make a space for barcode print area when mixed print is needed.
(See Appendix B)
6) In the case of Interleaved 2 of 5, if received data strings is an odd number
(if check digit flag is on, the check data includes this number) the printer will add
a zero to the most digit.
7) In the case of CODE 39, the printer will add a start/stop character to the barcode
and human readable character automatically.
8) In the case of CODE 128, the first byte of barcode data strings defines
a character set of its followed data. If undefined character is included for
Bar Length