L2+ Gigabit Wireless Switches
The D-Link DWS-3024/DWS-3026 L2+ Gigabit Wireless
Switches are optimized for wireless network deployment
in business environments. With these devices, business
can install high-performance, secure, manageable and
scalable unified wired/wireless LAN switching. With combo
SFP, open slots for optional 10-Gigabit connection
, Power
over Ethernet and redundant power supply (RPS) support,
these Gigabit wireless switches provide enterprises with
easy upgrade to next-generation 802.11n wireless LAN,
simple deployment of wireless devices regardless of
physical locations, and centralized management of secure
wireless mobility and policy enforcement.
Core Units Controlling Entire Wireless Network.
The DWS-3024/DWS-3026 Gigabit Wireless Switches
are core units that consolidate the security, manage the
bandwidth and maintain the intelligence of the entire
wireless network. In addition to monitoring users’ identities
and maintaining their authentication as they roam, these
wireless switches can configure and control all aspects
of the wireless access points, including: RF channel and
power management, wireless traffic segmentation, AP
roaming and load balancing, rouge AP detection and AP
access security.
High Performance, Easy Deployment
Designed for distributed deployments in the wiring closet,
each wireless switch can support up to 48 wireless access
points. AP connection can be directly to the wireless
switch ports, or indirectly through a LAN switch. With
802.3af PoE integrated into every port, these switches
allow connected AP to be located at places difficult to
access from AC power sources. Gigabit transmission
future-proof hardware investments when the network
is installed with next-generation higher-speed 802.11n
wireless standard devices.
24 Gigabit Ports, No Restriction on Port Usage
Each DWS-3024/DWS-3026 provides 24 10/100/1000BASE-
T Gigabit ports and 4 combo SFP. Each of the
10/100/1000BASE-T ports can connect to a wireless access
point, or to a wired LAN device, such as a server, a network
storage device, or simply another LAN switch. The combo
SFP allows for flexible fiber connection, while optional 10-
Gigabit modules
enable bottleneck-free switch-to-switch
cascading or attachment to a high-speed fiber backbone.
Scalable Expansion & Unified Wired/Wireless Deployment
Small to Medium Enterprises (SMB) may require only one
wireless switch to manage a few AP or to use for mixed
wired/wireless LAN purposes. When the number of AP is
augmented, up to 4 switches can be added to form a large
centralized management system. With easy expansion,
Gigabit speed to support next-generation high-speed AP,
and L3 routing to support enterprise-wide inter-subnet
roaming, the DWS-3024/3026 provide an architecture
that unifies and simplifies an otherwise complex WLAN
environment, readily prepare an existing network for
future technology upgrades.
Authentication, Security & Power Management
The DWS-3024/DWS-3026 provide user-based services
such as virtual private group (SSID) membership,
encryption type, authentication, location tracking and
associated network statistics. Authorizations stay with
users wherever they roam because all deployed DWS-
3024/DWS-3026 share stored information, ensuring secure
access and connectivity to the right services. In addition
to checking the identity of a connecting user from the
switch’s local database, user authentication policies can
be sent back to an external RADIUS server for complete
verification. This offloading capability ensures that
the wireless switch will not overload when clients are
simultaneously connecting to the network.
DWS-3024 & DWS-3026
Centralized Management of
Wireless Network
+ Tracks & Maintains User
Authentication As Users Roam
Throughout the Network
+ Intelligently Designates Users toIntelligently Designates Users to
Virtual Groups Based on User’s
Authenticated Identity
+ Provides Scaled, Resilient, IntegratedProvides Scaled, Resilient, Integrated
Management Infrastructure
+ Centrally Manages UserCentrally Manages User
Authentication/Security Policies
+ Provides Key Management for EachProvides Key Management for Each
Security Protocol
+ Configures and Controls All ConnectedConfigures and Controls All Connected
Access Points
Scalable Unified Wired /
Wireless Network Architecture
+ 24 10/100/1000BASE-T Gigabit Ports
+ Up to 48 Wireless AP Direct/IndirectUp to 48 Wireless AP Direct/Indirect
+ Mixed Wired/Wireless ConnectionMixed Wired/Wireless Connection
From Any Port
+ 4 Combo SFP for Flexible Fiber4 Combo SFP for Flexible Fiber
+ 2 Open Slots for Optional 10-Gigabit2 Open Slots for Optional 10-Gigabit
Attachment to Fiber Backbone
+ Expandable to 4 Peer SwitchesExpandable to 4 Peer Switches
Simplified & Resilient Network
+ 802.3af Power Over Ethernet Simplifies
AP Installation
+ Gigabit Connection Ready for FutureGigabit Connection Ready for Future
Wireless Speed Upgrade
+ Redundant Power Supply SupportRedundant Power Supply Support
Maximizes Network Uptime
Security Management
+ 64/128/152-Bit WEP Data Encryption
+ WPA/WPA2 Personal
+ WPA/WPA2 Enterprise
+ MAC Address Filtering
+ Rouge AP Classification & Detection