It is recommended that
you change the admin
password for security
purposes. Enter in your
new password. Enter it in
a second time for
Click Next
In the window below, select the method you use to co
This is called the WAN connection or WAN Type.
Static IP Address:
Select this option to
manually input the IP
address that your ISP
assigned to you.
(Please see Assigning
a Static IP Address in
the Troubleshooting
section of this manual.)
Dynamic IP Address:
(e.g., Cable users)
Select this option to obtain an IP address automatically from your ISP.
Please see Dynamic IP Address section.
Dynamic IP Address with Road Runner Session Management: (e.g.,
Telstra BigPond users) Choose this option if it is required by your ISP
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE): (e.g., DSL users) Select this option if your ISP
requires the use of PPPoE to connect to their services. Please see PPPoE
PPTP: Select this option if your ISP requires it
Once you have made the appropriate selection, click Next.