Call-Waiting Tone
Short tone heard while on a call. Indicates another
call is waiting.
Confirmation Tone
Two short beep tones that indicate a feature has
been activated or deactivated.
Distinctive Ringing
Different ring patterns indicating a specific type of
incoming call.
• UCLA Campus Call – Two rings (one long
ring, one short ring) in quick succession.
Indicates an incoming call from another
UCLA campus number, including Santa
Monica-UCLA Medical Center.
• Non-UCLA Campus Call – Two long rings
(one long ring, one long ring),
approximately five seconds apart. Indicates
an incoming call from a non-UCLA campus
number or Extended Campus Service (ECS) number.
Overflow Busy Tone
Fast busy tone (120 tones per minute) heard after
dialing a number. Indicates that the called number
is invalid or could not be processed.
Special Dial Tone
Broken dial tone followed by regular dial tone.
Indicates a feature has been accessed.
Standard Busy Tone
Regular intermittent tone (60 tones per minute)
heard after dialing a number. Indicates the called
number is busy.
Telephone Tones
CTS Training Center