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Page 61
Appendix B. SSH Settings
Table B-1 (Continued). CLI commands.
get set del Keyword Descriptions
√ √ √ -eaptype -WPA EAP Type
√ √ √ -innereaptype -WPA inner EAP Type
√ √ -username -WPA user name
√ √ -loginname -WPA login name
√ √ -password -WPA password
√ √ -usercert -WPA cert file
√ √ -privatekeypassword -WPA private key password
√ √ -trafficshaping -traffic shaping
√ √ -enable -enable Traffic Shaping
√ √ -downlimit -Incoming Traffic Limit
√ √ -downburst -Incoming Traffic Burst
√ √ -uplimit -Outgoing Traffic Limit
√ √ -upburst -Outgoing Traffic Burst
√ -wdsMac -WDS Remote Mac
√ √ -local -local macAddr
√ √ -remote1 -remote macAddr1
√ √ -remote2 -remote macAddr2
√ √ -remote3 -remote macAddr3
√ √ -remote4 -remote macAddr4
√ √ -wdsSeparation -WDS Separation
√ -association -list of associated wireless clients
√ √
vapprofile 1
(2,3, etc.)
-VAP setting
√ √ -active -on/off this vap
√ √ -profileName -Name of profile
√ √ -ssid -ssid of this vap
√ √ -ssidhided -Broadcast SSID Enable or Disable