baskets. Do not put
other loads on the door;
otherwse, the product
may tlt.
• Never leave the door
of the product open
apart from loadng and
unloadng procedures.
• Do not to open the door
of the product when t s
runnng unless necessary.
Be careful for the rush of
hot steam when you need
to open the door.
Intended use
Ths applance s ntended
to be used n household and
smlar applcatons such as:
• sta ktchen areas n
shops, oces and other
workng envronments;
• farm houses;
• by clents n hotels,
motels and other
resdental type
• bed and breakfast type
• Only dshwasher safe
detergents, rnse ads and
addtves must be used.
• The manufacturer waves
any responsblty arsen
from ncorrect usage or
• The servce lfe of your
product s 10 years.
Durng ths perod,
orgnal spare parts wll
be avalable to operate
the applance properly.
• Ths product should
not be used by persons
wth physcal, sensory
or mental dsorders
or unlearned or
nexperenced people
(ncludng chldren)
unless they are attended
by a person who wll be
responsble for ther
safety or who wll nstruct
them accordngly for use
of the product.
Chldren’s safety
Electrcal products
are dangerous for the
chldren. Keep chldren
away from the product
when t s n use. Do not
let them to tamper wth
the product.
• Do not forget to close the
door of the product when
leavng the room where t
s located.
• Store all detergents and
addtves n a safe place
away from the reach of
the chldren.