SteamGloss functon
It provdes superor dryng
Fast+ Functon
It shortens the tme of the washng
cycle selected and decreases water
consumpton by enablng washng
under hgher pressure.
Half Load Function
It s used to operate the machne
wthout loadng t completely.
1. Load your dishes in the machine
as you like.
2. Press the On / Off key.
3. Select the desired programme
and press the Half Load key. Half
Load indicator will appear on the
4. Press Start / Pause / Cancel key to
start the programme.
C With the Half Load function you
can save both water and power
while using the lower and upper
baskets of the machine.
Turbo Wash Functon
Bu fonksiyon ile makinenizin alt
pervanesi, daha basınçlı ve hızlı
çalışarak tencere, tava gibi zor çıkan
kurumuş kirlere sahip bulaşıkların
daha iyi yıkanmasını sağlar.
Auxlary functons
Washng programmes of your
dshwasher are desgned to obtan
the best cleanng eect, consderng
the type of the sol, solng degree
and propertes of the dshes to be
Auxlary functons are provded n
order to enable you to save tme,
water and energy and to perform
a more comfortable washng wth
condtons specfc to you.
C Auxiliary functions may cause
changes in the programme
C Auxiliary functions are not
suitable for all washing programs.
Indicator of the auxiliary function
that is not compatible with the
programme will not be active.
To add auxlary functon to the
1. Select the desired washing
programme by pressing the
programme selection key.
2. In the selected washing
programme, if auxiliary function
is selected, its symbol will be
displayed on the screen. If the
function button is pressed again
the symbol will disappear and
selection is cancelled.
3. Selection will be cancelled when
you press the function key again.
Automatc Detergent Detecton
The product has a feature to
automatcally detect the type of the
detergent and adjust the washng
programme and dryng system to the
best performance. If specal tablet
detergent s used, the programme
duraton can be extended by 20
mnutes n order to optmze the
washng and dryng performance.