Are there any dierences
between using a smart phone (or
a tablet) with Android or iOS?
You can use the operating system you prefer, there are no dierences.
Which WiFi protocols are
supported by the appliance?
The radio installed in the washing machine supports WiFi b/g/n for
European countries.
Which version of WPS is
The appliance supports WPS 2.0 or higher. To verify the WPS used by
your router check the router documentation.
Which settings/conguration
have to be set on the router
The requested settings are:
• 2.4 GHz enabled, WiFi b/g/n
• DHCP and NAT activated
Please refer to router documentation for more information.
Is it possible to use Tethering over
a mobile 3G instead of a router?
Yes, but cloud services are designed for devices which are continuously
connected to the Internet.
How can I verify that my home
Internet connection works and
that the wireless functionality is
You can search for your network either with your tablet or with your
smartphone and/or computer and - if the network is visible - check if the
connection works. Remember to
disable any other data connections
(i.e. the one of your mobile phone) before trying.
How can I nd out my wireless
network name and password?
A label reporting this information is usually sticked to the router.
Otherwise type the URL "http://IP number of the router" to access the
router setup from a connected device.
What can I do if the WiFi channel
is used from the neighborhood?
You have to check the channel used for your home WiFi and, if the
channel is already used from another router, force your router to use a
channel free from interference.
Please refer to router documentation for more information.
How do I verify that the wireless
functionality on the appliance is
Verify that the Connection Status indicator light is stable on.
Using your smart device, check on the
Sense Live app if the
appliance network is visible and connectet to the cloud.
How much must the distance
between the router and the
washing machine be?
The coverage is strongly dependent from wall materials. You can verify
signal strength in two ways.
If the radio washing machine appliance is already provisioned, you can
check the signal strength on the Live menu. If the RSSI Value is greater
than -75 the connection is good (e.g. -60, the connection is good; -80
the connection is bad).
• If the radio washing machine appliance is not provisioned yet, you
have to check the signal strength using your tablet (or another
wireless HAN device) next to the washing machine (there are
specic software tools downloadable from the Internet to check
the signal strength).
Is there anything that can prevent
the signal to reach the appliance?
Verify you do not have devices using the entire Internet bandwidth and
make sure that all the home Internet devices do not exceed the router
max limit of connected devices.
What can I do if my wireless
connection does not reach the
washing machine?
You have to use a specic device to extend your home WiFi coverage
such as Access Point, WiFi repeaters or Power-line brige (not provided
with the washing machine).