Dil ID: 7
Dil Adı: french
Dil Kodu: fr1tayfun Produits de la Marque Whirlpool
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

C onn ect the c old w ate r supp ly hose to a t hre aded 3/4 (inch ) conne ctor an d make su re
t hat it is f astened tight ly in pl ac e.
I f the wat er pipe s are n ew or have no t been used for an e xtended period of t ime , let the
w ater r un to m ake sure that the w at er is clea r. Thi s p re caution is need ed to avoi d th e
r isk o f t he wate r inlet to be bl oc ked an d d amage the a pplian ce .
Th e wa ter s upply to the app liance ca n a lso be co nn ec ted to t he ho use hold hot water
line (su ch a s, c entral sy stem, he ating s ystem ),as l ong as it does no t e xc eed a
temper ature of 60 C. In this case , th e wa sh cycle ti me wil l be s hor tene d b y abo ut 1 5
minute sandthe wash efficiency slightly reduced.
Th e co nnection mu st be m ade to the hot wate r lin e fo llowi ng t he s ame procedu res as
des cribed i nthe sec tion for the c onnection to the cold water line.
Improper connection of the equipment earthing conductor can result in the risk of an electric shock.
Check with a qualified electrician or service representative if you are in doubt whether the
appliance is properly earthed.
Do not modify the plug provided with the appliance. If the plug does not fit properly to the outlet,
please have a qualified electrician to install a proper outlet.
In or der to avoid that there is more water staying in the inlet hose, please c lose
the h ydrant after u sing.(Not applicable to appliances w ithout aqua-stop.)
Water Connection
The following things should be checked before starting the dishwasher.
The content of this m anual is very helpful to t he users.
After installation, please make sure to keep this manual.
The dishwasher is level and fixed properly
T he inl et va lv e is ope n
There is a leakage at the connections of the conducts
The wires are tightly connected
The power is switched on
The i nlet and drai n ho ses a re kno tted
All packing materials and printings should be taken out from the dishwasher
Positioning the Appliance
How to Drain Excess Water From Hoses
If the si nk is 100 0 h igh er f rom t he floor, the exces s wa ter i n h oses cannot b e dr ained di re ctly
into the sin k. It will b eneces sa ry to d rain exces s water from hoses into a bowl o r suitable
conta iner th at is hel d outside and lo wer t han the sink.
Water Outlet
Connect the water drain hose. The drain hose must be correctly fitted to avoid water leaks.
En sure that th e wat er in let h ose i s n ot ki nked or s quashed .
Syphon Connection
Th e wa ste conn ectio n m ust be a t a h eigh t o f betw ee n 50 c m ( min imum) a nd 10 0 c m (m aximum )
from the bottom of the dish. The water drain hose should be fixed by a hose clip.
Extension Hose
If y ou n eed a dr ain h ose exte nsi on, m ake sure t o use a simil ar dra in ho se.
It m ust be n o lon ge r t han 4 m etre s; o therwise the cleanin g e ffect o f t he di shwashe r cou ld b e re duc ed.
Positi on the app li ance i n the desi red locatio n. The back should rest ag ain st th e wall behind i t, a nd the sides,
along t he adj acent c abinets o r wa lls. The dish wa sher i s eq ui pped w ith water suppl y and drai n h oses that can
be positioned either to the right or the left sides to fac il itate proper i nstalla ti on.