TD-8840T ADSL2+ Modem Router User Guide
Figure 4-16
¾ Start IP Address: Enter a value for the DHCP server to start with when issuing IP addresses.
Because the default IP address for the Modem Router is, the default Start IP
Address is, and the Start IP Address must be or greater, but
smaller than
¾ End IP Address: Enter a value for the DHCP server to end with when issuing IP addresses.
The End IP Address must be smaller than The default End IP Address is
¾ Address Lease Time: The Leased Time is the amount of time in which a network user will be
allowed connection to the Modem Router with their current dynamic IP address. Enter the
amount of time, in hours, then the user will be “leased” this dynamic IP address. After the
dynamic IP address has expired, the user will be automatically assigned a new dynamic IP
address. The default is 24 hours.
¾ Default Gateway - (Optional.) It is suggested to input the IP address of the LAN port of the
Modem Router. The default value is
¾ Default Domain - (Optional.) Input the domain name of your network.
¾ Primary DNS - (Optional.) Input the DNS IP address provided by your ISP or consult your
¾ Secondary DNS - (Optional.) Input the IP address of another DNS server if your ISP
provides two DNS servers.
¾ DHCP Relay: Select Relay, then you will see the next screen, and the Modem Router will
work as a DHCP Relay. A DHCP relay is a computer that forwards DHCP data between
computers that request IP addresses and the DHCP server that assigns the addresses. Each
of the device's interfaces can be configured as a DHCP relay. If it is enabled, the DHCP
requests from local PCs will forward to the DHCP server runs on WAN side. To have this
function working properly, please run on router mode only, disable the DHCP server on the
LAN port, and make sure the routing table has the correct routing entry.